Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dieter Rams - Ten Principles of Good Design

What is Good Design? That question has been the center of our first project and Dieter Rams answer that question with 10 principles that equate to what most of us look for in a well-designed object.

Good Design....

     1. innovative
  • New technology offers new opportunity for innovative design
     2. ..makes a product useful
  • Product can't only be functional, but visually-appealing to our senses
  • Design highlights the usefulness of a product, focusing only on the positive and not on stuff that could detract from it
     3. aesthetic
  • Aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products affect who we are and our well-being
  • Well-executed objects can be beautiful
     4. ...makes a product understandable
  • Clarifies products structure/purpose
  • Should be self-explanatory
     5. unobtrusive
  • Products focus on functionality, not style
  • Design should be neutral, allow for user's self-expression
     6. honest
  • Doesn't make product any more than what it is already capable of it
  • Doesn't manipulate consumer to sell product, but instead lists what product, can or can't do long-lasting
  • Avoids being fashionable
  • Focuses on durability and longevity
     8. thorough down to the last detail
  • Nothing left to chance or arbitrary
  • Care and accuracy play crucial role and show respect to user
     9. environmentally-friendly
  • Design contributes to preservation of environment
  • Minimizes physical and visual pollution throughout lifecycle of product
  • Conserves resources
     10. as little design as possible
  • Less is more
  • Concentrates on simplicity and what is essential to product

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