Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Word Up

I have chosen the word: Connect


  • Verb (used with objects) - to join, link, or fasten together; unite or bind.
  • Verb (used without objects) - to become connected; join or unite or to have or establish successful communication; make contact.


  • To either physically bond objects together or figuratively bring together two or more things/people/etc. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reflection - Understanding Comics

The main thing I took away from Understanding Comics was the use of imagery and icons and how they are pivotal in getting a point across in a sometimes subtle manner. As a graphic design major, I love learning about useful ways to integrate images as the main storytelling device. The saying that, "a picture is worth a thousand words" comes to mind because really a image can be used in very poignant and powerful context to convey a message. Here, they talk about how icons communicate with the reader and that readers pick up more in a picture.

Reflection - Writer's Toolbox

The Writer's Toolbox reaffirmed some aspects that were vital to the process of this project which included idea development. One of the biggest challenges of this project was to really think long and hard about how to improve an item that already exists and that may or may not already be functionally appropriate. Writer's Toolbox talks about Concept Maps and freewriting and how both of these techniques can contribute to the brainstorming process. I found it imperative to use these methods because they did in fact work. Starting with the concept map which involved freewriting and let the ideas keep spawning. Sure enough after writing down problems with our object, we started to figure out ways solve those problems and that is what lead us to our final prototype. So by incorporating these methods, one can generate sound ideas that can be useful for the final stages.

User Testing

Here are my interviews:

1. Ruth Carter

Q: Would you use the redesigned lint roller?
A: "Yes"

Q: Is it an improvement over the original?
A: "It's a vast improvement over the original's bland design. The handle mainly because before it was an awkward shape, but now it fits in the palm of my hand perfectly."

Q: Any features you'd add to it?
A: "If there was one thing I'd add, it might be a removable strap that you could attach to the handle."

Q: Because of it's newfound portability, where would you put it?
A: "Because it can close, I'd put it in my purse and my car so in case I need it on the go I can use it and it's still clean. Before I'd have to leave it at home in a clear area to keep it clean."

2. Sammy Weller

Q: Would you use the redesigned lint roller?
A: "Of course!"

Q: Is it an improvement over the original?
A: "I think that it's definitely an improvement! The original one was kinda boring and very cheaply made, but this adds sturdiness along with making it fun to look at."

Q: Any features you'd add to it?
A: "I would probably make different sized ones maybe, like smaller ones that you could really take anywhere, but also I'd add different color choices into the mix to liven it up."

Q: Because of it's newfound portability, where would you put it?

A: "I'd say that I would put it in my backpack or purse. I like that it doesn't get dirty because of the door on it. It would keep it from picking up my cat's hair!"

Thursday, October 3, 2013

IDEO - The Deep Dive

After watching the video on IDEO and their think-tank of inventors, it gave me a whole new perspective when it comes to group projects. Like most people, I tend to be immediately turned off when the instructor says, "time to get into groups". Why do I do this? Mainly because it's having to put in the extra effort in trying to get along with people that may not exactly see eye-to-eye, but I'm happy to say that this project is going to be different in the sense that I enjoy the people in my group.

As far as what else I learned from the video, their term "Deep Dive" refers to being totally immersed in whatever project it is that they're working on. To focus solely on the task at hand without distractions and instead surrounded by others with the same goal, definitely helps to boost creativity.

"Marriage between form & function" - the product should be aesthetically-pleasing as well fulfill it's purpose.

In the video, the team at IDEO had to completely redesign a shopping cart and their process to get from point A to point B was extraordinary! The first day started off with brainstorming, looking at some statistics on shopping carts to find problems with the current design in order to make a redesign that doesn't only look good, but that actually fixes the problem.They then split-off into groups, with each group coming up with a solid idea to incorporate in the overall final product. They ran tests on their prototypes, interviewed people about their ideas and then ultimately designed the product.

It was great being able to see the prototype phase acted out in front of me and because of it, shed some light on the various steps that go into creating a redesigned object. Safe to say that this video was instrumental in establishing an idea for where I will try to go for my project.