Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Project 4 - Ideas

As we begin our fourth and final project, my goal going in is to refine what techniques I learned in the last project to really make this project standout and utilize my style.

Before I jump into the project itself,  I'm conducting some research on possible ideas of how light and paper mix well and what techniques to use. Here are some examples:

Project 3 - Refined Hand-Made Compositions

These are the 5 refined hand-made compositions that I made at the beginning of the project. I like the simplicity of each layout, I thought that it represented my individual word of "Connect" very nicely.

Project 3 - Final Photo Book

This is my final accordion book. I decided to go with a visual aesthetic that matched that of our giant word. Here, it's black and has bars going through the word like the bigger version. I added a chain that acts as a clasp that also goes with the captivity theme, but also adds some coolness to it.

Inside it's a basic accordion style fold, with content on both front and back. I had minimal text as I wanted the pictures to tell the story and have it speak for itself.

Project 3 - Photo book ideas

Some basic ideas for the photo book that I came up with. I tried to utilize the word Capture by thinking of some design elements that would complement it. Mainly thinking of captivity.

Project 3 - Drawings

Drawings I did of our word "Capture" using perspective.

Project 3 - Pathfinder Exercises

These are some of my pathfinder compositions that I mainly stuck to the same overall layout of my hand-made ones, but refined them.

Project 3 - Installation Pics

Here are some pics of our installation:

Project 3 - Construction Pics

Here are some pics of the Construction process for Project 3: